Tuesday, April 21, 2009

art and oranges

I am sorry but Thomas must write for another reason. He is being so selfless in his poem "In My Craft of Sullen Art." He may not be paid to write poetry. He may not write poetry to be able to strut. He says he writes for lovers who are not even listening. How can this make him happy? Doesn't he write for himself in some way? Does it make him happy to write? Does he write poems for his loved ones? I like the poem but it also raises questions? Why wouldn't one have more purpose? His last line says,
But for the lovers, their arms
Round the griefs of the ages,
Who pay no praise or wages
Nor heed my craft or art.
Nobody is listening! How can this satisfy him? What does this say about art? I think there should be some satisfaction for the person of the process, himself. He is saying art is what....not good enough for self satisfaction or others heed? It is beautifully written and a beautiful attempt but I wonder, can one really be that selfless? Is it just an act to make good poetry and get into the Norton, and is he faking it?

I LOVE Frank O'Hara's poem, "Why I Am Not a Painter." I mention earlier in the semester that it is neat when a poet can write about poetry. I guess that is what we have been reading for the last few classes. One would think that writing about what your writing is stupid, but the authors we have read do it very well. Some have explained too much and that is hard to understand. I enjoy O'Hara's poem because it has a point and it is fun. I like that.

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