Friday, March 27, 2009

Attention: group 2

I revised my poem for Tuesday (group two). So hopefully, you can print that off again if you had already. I used the following lexical sets below to write a poem with. It was pretty hard to put together. I had to use my imagination and think of ways the four words related. My first attempt was ok, but the poem had no form. I just revised the sets of poems into further like groups. I then titled those different mini poems so the reader can understand them as mini stories. Just focus on the sounds of the words, and have fun with it. Don’t read into it too much.


Lexical set Examples
KIT (ship, rip, dim)
DRESS (step, ebb, hem)
TRAP (bad, cab, ham)
LOT (stop, rob, swan)
STRUT (cub, rub, hum)
FOOT (full, look, could)
BATH (staff, clasp, dance)
CLOTH (cough, long, gone)
NURSE (hurt, term, work)
FLEECE (seed, key, seize)
FACE (weight, rein, steak)
PALM (calm, bra, father)
THOUGHT (taut, hawk, broad)
GOAT (soap, soul, home)
GOOSE (who, group, few)
PRICE (ripe, tribe, aisle)
CHOICE (boy, void, coin)
MOUTH (pouch, noun, crowd)
NEAR (beer, pier, fierce)
SQUARE (care, air, wear)
START (far, sharp, farm)
NORTH (war, storm, for)
FORCE (floor, coarse, ore)
CURE (poor, tour, fury)

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