Thursday, March 5, 2009


I loved papermaking! I had so much fun creating the different types of paper and experimenting with different techniques. It was fun to do as a class, because everyone kept looking at each other's work and then going back and changing theirs and building off of each other. It kind of reminded me of some the things we had been discussing in class, where the process of creating the art object is the true creative process, rather than the actual object itself. It was neat to see how everyone influenced each other and impacted one another's creative process. On another note I would like to talk about the assignment for this week. I had a lot of trouble coming up with an idea/ a poem I was satisfied with. I worked pretty hard on mine and tried a lot of different topics and structures, before I settled on one that I was happy with, but it still just wasn't my favorite poem I've written. Honestly, I think the assignment intimidated me a little bit, both with its free structure and length, but also with the idea of a whole class workshop. I have gotten fairly comfortable sharing and reading aloud with my workshop group, which is something I am generally uncomfortable with, so it's a little nerve wracking to think of sharing with the whole class. But I am sure it will go well and I am excited to have Cathy Park Hong in class today, so see everyone this afternoon!!

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