Tuesday, March 3, 2009

I love papermaking.

So, today was really fun. I think I have Christmas gifts for next December. I will be paper making. I might even ask Jess Y. if I can use her toilet poem to write on my awesome paper for gifts!

On a more serious note, I would like to discuss the poems that I attempted for this assignment. I was very excited to try a free choice, although I was not very creative. Most of my inspiration came from Lohren Green with the dictionary. Except, I am not all too excited about literary elements and all that, so I actually combined his work with the work of Van Jordan's from MacNolia. My first poem had three sections and at the top of each prose was a common word. I broke these word down, but not about writing. They were more personal stories, like from MacNolia. That is how I combined the two. My second poem, was also on the dictionary theme. I decided to take one word, hand, which has a lot of common phrases, and I complied a poem. This may be my favorite, because the first one is actually a mock of sappy love and relationships style poems. Thirdly, I tried to imitate Christian Bok. I used only a in a VERY short poem. It is sort of sad because his is so much better, but I didn't have 11 years. My poem is about a rat and a cat. That sums it of very well. No need to read it.

This was my assignment to explore. I had a lot of fun attempting new techniques and I recognize the hard work which goes into these forms.

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