Thursday, February 12, 2009

The other day's workshop

Well as we can all see, being the great student I am I have forgotten to post a blog entry before class! It's amazing how easy it is to forget things which should be routine by now. Anyhow, I would just like to agree with some previous posts regarding the productive nature of Tuesday's class. Considering it was so time consuming to go through and analyze seven poems in our workshop checklist style, it was such a relief to actually discuss our observations! From my perspective, in reading some of these poems I almost felt intrusive; that is to say, they were so diverse, personal, and heartfelt that I felt as though in simply reading and deconstructing the pieces that I was in someway invasive. However, being able to look at the author while discussing their work really helped to break that boundary and made me feel less of a perverse analyzer. In all, it was a constructive ice-breaker, to use a cliché term.

Have a great (and safe) weekend!

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