Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Workshops and Class

Sometimes I wish we got more time in class to workshop each other's works. I feel that when we only have half an hour and we were expecting to get 60 minutes, we tend to feel rushed, and try to get through all four in less time and maybe the poets feel gypped? Maybe I'm wrong, but I'd like to have a relaxed workshop, where we can hear the poet read their work. Who knows? Maybe we could have gotten to the bottom of why Chelsea is such a horn-dog perv. ;) Just kidding, Chels.

Oh well, I digress.

Anyway, like Kevin, I really enjoyed doing the Exquisite Monster: whenever I play that game it always lends itself to great results. I suggest doing it next time you have a good group of people around. You don't have to time it, and I find a more fun version is:
Everyone starts with a piece of paper and they write a common staying, or song lyric, or random sentence on it. Then the next person gets the saying and has to draw a picture of it. Then they fold the paper so you can only see the drawing. Then the next person has to write what they think the drawing is of. Repeat until the person gets their paper back (too many people make this game go one forever).

Anyway, maybe I'm a huge dork, but exquisite monster (as well as pictionary, charades, and cranium) is one of my friends' and mine staple when we get together for a party at home.

See you on Thursday!

~~Jess Young

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